The famed Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series told got its power from its ability to take its viewers into a world of powerful, mythical monsters and their skillful duel masters. Last year, adidas immortalized its various characters through a footwear capsule, and now it has just announced its newest addition to the family: an Adi2000 inspired by Yami Yugi.The spellbinding offering is replete with striking details that reference the main character’s get-up. A majority of its upper build comes fashioned with premium smooth leather that’s dyed in black. The stripes have been engineered with gold-plated molds and feature spiked icons inside that likely represent his wild hairdo. The eye icon that’s seen on Yugi’s Millennium Puzzle is debossed on the throat while the tongues split their branding between tonal “Time to Duel” on the right shoe and “King of Games” on the left. Additionally, the kicks are housed inside a special shoe box that features golden, show-inspired branding with Millennium Item lace jewels, Exodia hangtags and a limited-edition Dark Magician card.Looking to cop? You can find these dropping on January 26 via adidas CONFIRMED and select retailers for $120 USD.For other news, an adidas Crazy 1 “Regal Purple” colorway has been revealed.Click here to view full gallery at Hypebeast