About Us
We are a small dedicated team of sneakerheads that loves designing sneakers to reflect the unique identity of the wearer.
Too often, we don’t think of sneakers as an important piece of our identity. However, we strive to change that. We believe that sneakers can reflect the very core of your identity in a stylish, creative and visual way. By providing our customers more options, and with more targeted identities, we are able to design sneakers that is reflective of our customers’ lifestyles and beliefs.
Creative Design
Designs and Creativity takes time. We intend to keep developing new ideas and creatives for our sneakers and products. We invite our faithful followers to submit their ideas through our social media channels.100% Money Back Guarantee
We believe in providing our customers not just the best products that reflects their personality, but also an unparalleled purchasing experience.Online Support 24/7
Sometimes, things do go wrong when purchasing from us. We strive to respond to all your concerns within one business day.What do we do?
We design sneakers… Happy happy sneakers…
Our Mission
To provide comfortable, fashionable footwear that reflect our customers’ personal unique identities.
History Of Us
Sneaks & Kicks was formed in 2021 in the middle of a global crisis. We chose not to let that stop us from crafting and expressing our creative ideas in different usable formats. in our case – footwear.