Doraemon, the titular cat from the beloved manga and anime, has teamed up with atmos and Reebok for an Instapump Fury collaboration. From a naming standpoint, it wouldn’t be too left-field to refer to the collaboration as the “Instapump Furry” — both styles present use textured detailing, special branding and more to lock in their inspiration.The first pair is dressed in a familiar blue, white, pink and yellow color scheme. A medium blue appears on the Pump bladder and the toe cap, while a lighter blue is used for the furry toebox. White leather surrounds a pink Reebok logo on the throat, and white fur appears on the heel. Two-piece white midsoles filled with DMX cushioning and connected by a carbon fiber plate sit above pink outsoles to round off the look. On the other end, the black pair mixes a stark black forefoot, midfoot and Pump bladder with a white throat overlay and a furry white heel. Midsoles are white as well, and outsoles supply a glowing green shade. Though the color schemes used on each pair are vastly different, both are brought together by their branded accents. These include Doraemon’s bell on the tongue’s yellow Pump button, a special spellout on the tongue tab and co-branded Doraemon/atmos graphics on heel tabs and insoles alike. The preschool pairs retain many of the qualities sported by their adult counterpart, but tone down the branding and add a Velcro strap to the heel for an easier fit.Both colorways of the Doraemon x atmos x Reebok Instapump Fury will release via the atmos webstore come April 3. The MSRP for men’s pairs is set at ¥22,000 JPY (approximately $199 USD) and preschool pairs arrive at ¥6,589 JPY (approximately $60 USD). Both prices are inclusive of tax.For more Reebok news, check out Palace’s duo of preppy takes on the NPC sneaker. Click here to view full gallery at HYPEBEAST