Following its joint series with Rick Owens, VEJA debuted its first capsule with Italian fashion house Marni earlier this year. The playful design sees VEJA’s low-top V10 and high-top V15 silhouettes covered in colorful scribbles across the top panels and laces.The upcoming FW22 offerings maintain the same DIY aesthetic, introducing additional colorways in “Black” and multi-colored “Dark Violet.” Full leather uppers incorporate perforations on the toecaps and sustainably-sourced cream rubber soles. According to VEJA the pairs are tanned in Brazil at a Gold-certified tannery and soles are composed of 31% Amazonian rubber, 22% rice waste, and 12% recycled rubber. Lace closures consist of 100% recycled polyester and rounding out the look are black markered logos on the cream-colored midsole heels.The collaborative pairs are now available exclusively at VEJA and Marni’s websites and retailers. Additional stocks will appear at select shops beginning on October 20. Prices range from $165 to $320 USD.Elsewhere in footwear, Andersson Bell and ASICS SportStyle announce third footwear series.Click here to view full gallery at HYPEBEAST